
04 February 2013

Fire Lead Assignment with Apex

In doing a daily load of leads, my customer notified that he was not able to trigger the assignment rules: I wanted to check if we could replicate the issue and trigger the assignment rules from the Apex snippet. Here we go ! This is trivia, but helpful. Just create a lead meeting the assignment rule criteria:
 lead l = new lead (Lastname='testlead', company='testcompany',status = 'Unqualified',   
 leadsource='Innovadex',recordtypeid='012d0000000Wcq0',industry='Personal Care & Cosmetics',country='USA');  
Add the following to your code to trigger the assignment rule via Apex.
 Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions();  
 dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule = true;  
Hope this helps.