
02 November 2015

Salesforce Platform App Builder Exam Prep and Experience (Part - 2)

Continuing from where we have left in part 1 lets jump straight into the topics.

  1. Salesforce1 Mobile App Developer Guide, Object Specific Actions, and Global Actions: I believe there was 1 question on the Salesforce1. I believe the question was what type actiondo we create and place it on which page layout to create a detailed record or related record from a parent detailed page. The preparation I did was sufficient to tackle the questions. The following is exactly what I did:
    Salesforce1 Trailhead and I did a couple of hands on in my Developer instance by creating Object based actions, and global actions and viewing them on the mobile device.

  2. Sandbox Environment Types: this topic had 1 question and was rather straight forward. Pay special attention to “Sandbox Feature Quick Reference” and limits, refresh frequencies from the following resource: Sandbox Types. Just skim through Sandbox Templates, just so you are aware of the usage.

  3. Person Accounts: The resource that was at most helpful for me was “Person Account Behaviors”. There were two questions regarding person accounts. There are some typical behaviors of person accounts that I have personally never noticed. Things like the following:
    • Person accounts can be merged with only other person accounts.
    • The icon for the Person Account is different from the Business Accounts.
    • The storage aspect of person accounts – They are stored against both the Account and Contact storage.

  4. Changing Custom Field Types: I followed the recourse from the documentation: “Changing Custom Field Types”. The “Additional restrictions” section is important, especially the Text Area (Long), Text Area (Rich) and Auto Number.
  5. The questions were straight from the documentation “so take the hint” and understand the restrictions thoroughly.

    With the Auto number – Text conversions: Auto number can accommodate anything of max 30 characters. If we have an auto number field and we are converting it to text, the text will be default of size 30 characters.

    If we have a text of more than 30 characters and you try to convert it to Auto number you would receive “Unable to convert a text field with more than 30 characters.” error. Thus converting text – auto number and auto number – text does not lead to loss of data.

    [Text Area (long), Text Area (Rich) straight from the link above.]

  6. Managed and Unmanaged Packages: This is a topic again straight from the documentation: Salesforce Resource.

Finally, there was one online blog I found helpful as well. I am mentioning it below, feel free to check that out.  Cloud Professionals App Builder Sample.

Please let me know how helpful the resource series was. Thank you for checking out the posts.